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Electoral Roll/ Daftar Pemilih


Below here are the excrepts of our reports or statements about irregularities found in the electoral roll

Di bawah sini, berikut adalah kenyataan atau laporan pihak kami mengenai kes kes yang tidak betul dalam daftar pemilih


Land lots with not a single standing structure, yet home to 2 voters

Land lots with not a single standing structure, yet home to 2 voters

No house but residential lots have voters!

Thorough electoral reforms needed!

The recent discovery by Tindak Malaysia and our fellow NGO Johor Yellow Flame (JYF) 柔南黄色行动小组 about the inconsistencies between voting and current residential address of electors in Kampung Baru Paroi (Negeri Sembilan) exposed constitutional limits on EC to clean up the electoral roll

Electoral Roll in Kampung Baru Paroi indicated there are two electors who reside in lots 71 and 71A. A ground examination by Tindak Malaysia volunteers during the village elections revealed there are no physical structures that makes up potential houses for those residents (refer to picture) for those lots. It is a case of voters existing in a current non existing structure.

Similarly, Tindak Malaysia and Johor Yellow Flame detected four voters in the village have moved out for long time but their names still appear in the roll.

Similar stories were found in Rantau. Voters have left Rantau but their voting details indicate they are still in Rantau. Unrelated voters not recognizable to the owner were found in Rantau and this was confirmed by ground investigations by EC

Though Tindak Malaysia have lodged the reports to EC and EC have confirmed our Rantau sightings, we came to a realisation that the 2002 Registration of Electors (ROE) laws constrain EC from performing the necessary updates for these voters. EC is only able to update the voting details of the elector if the elector request to change such details. Hence, no change can be done for now.

We like to thank EC for performing investigations and confirm the problematic nature of the ROE.

We call upon ERC to ramp up their research on civil society’s proposals to close this gap. In Tindak’s proposal to ERC in March 2019, we propose few sub articles in ROE which compels EC to carry out fresh registration exercise to ensure the voter roll is current and undertake necessary verification for any doubtful records.

We call upon the Parliament of Malaysia to consult with ERC and to enact thorough electoral reforms, not mere partially complete exercises such as automatic voter registration amendment.



Sulaiman Court and Your duty as a VOTER!

Sulaiman Court is Malaysia’s first high rise apartment and very much closely associated with Malaya’s Independence Year. Built in 1957 (subsequently occupied in 1958), this three block complex once had 295 units with close access to grocery stores.

Built in the heart of KL, this complex existed till 1986 and it was torn down to make way for Sogo Shopping Mall. Interestingly, the electoral roll of GE14 of 2018 still contained a locality called Sulaiman Court and 146 voters are still registered at this locality (In Bukit Bintang Seat).

How is it possible to have 146 voters residing in a place that was completely destroyed 33 years ago??

While past EC administration should have removed locality and contacted the voters for their new address updates, it is on the VOTERS themselves to be proactive and inform EC of their new residential address

Voters who lived in units or lots that are now defunct, destroyed or became non-existent should contact EC immediately of their new address. You can do this via this link –

All of us has duty to clean up the roll together!

Clean Elections start with You!

3) Addressing the Address Issue/ Menangani isu alamat penduduk

Presentation of Tindak Malaysia’s research made by Danesh Prakash Chacko, Tindak Malaysia’s Director, in November 2019 on the issue of address and its linkage with electoral roll

Pembentangan kajian Tindak Malaysia oleh Danesh Prakash Chacko, Pengarah Tindak Malaysia, pada bulan November 2019 mengenai isu alamat dan hubungannya dengan daftar pemilih

