4 Elections (Conduct of Elections) Regulations
R2 Interpretation:
a. |
Advance polling centre, advance polling day, advance polling station, date for advance voting (which must take into account the durability of the indelible ink so that advance voters are prevented from voting a second time on polling day for ordinary voters), assistant overseas agent, assisted voter, ballot box, consular officer, election observer, Kad OKU, main tally centre, overseas agent, overseas presiding officer, overseas polling centre (any Malaysian embassy/High Commission appointed by the Election Commission), overseas polling day, overseas postal ballot paper, overseas postal voter, overseas voter, Peninsular Malaysia, perforation, political party’s representative, random issue, technical adviser. |
b. |
Proposal for EC to register political party under the Article 113 of Federal Constitution. |
R3 Writ and notice of election:
a. |
Campaign period min 28 days, advance polling day 2 days before polling day, nomination period 3 days. 48 hours cooling off period. |
b. |
A cooling-off period is proposed to allow the electorate a quiet period to consider the election issues before making their decisions. |
R4 Nomination papers:
a. |
Papers to be signed by candidate, proposer, seconder & witness. |
R5 Deposit by candidate:
a. |
Reduce to RM 5k for Parliament and RM 2k for DUN seat. |
R6 Proceedings on nomination day:
a. |
3-day nomination period. |
R7 Objection to nomination papers:
a. |
Reinstate objection period. |
R8 Persons entitled to be present at nomination:
a. |
Include technical adviser. |
R10 Uncontested elections:
a. |
Objections to be allowed. |
R11 Contested elections:
a. |
Objections to be allowed, set advance polling 2 days before polling, polling hours 8 – 12 hours (to allow voters located in rural areas sufficient time to travel to polling station to vote). |
b. |
Polling stations should not close earlier than the prescribed period. |
c. |
All voters must be allowed the opportunity to attend at the polling station at any time during the prescribed period of polling. |
d. |
Closing the polling station early will deprive other voters of the opportunity and their right to vote. |
e. |
Minimum campaign period 28 days to cater for postal vote. |
R12 Appointment of presiding officers and deputies:
a. |
At least half from the public to ensure neutrality. |
R12A Appointment of other officers and staff:
a. |
Up to half from the public to ensure neutrality. |
R13 Facilities to be provided at polling centre and station:
a. |
Guide for marking ballot papers to be posted at ballot marking counter (to help minimise incidents of rejected votes and time spent examining ballot papers during counting) and re-orientate ballot marking counter, revised polling station layout (sixth schedule), permit agents to use cameras to record/capture any electoral violations. |
b. |
The purpose of the proposed polling station layout is to enable polling agents to scrutinise the polling process more effectively (e.g., to detect attempts to insert unauthorised/foreign ballot papers into the ballot box and to examine the fingers of the voter for transparent coating that will prevent the indelible ink from staining the finger). |
R14 Right of registered elector to vote:
a. |
Onus on presiding officer to vet voter. |
R14A Authoritative text of electoral rolls:
a. |
Specify the version of electoral roll to be used. |
b. |
Supplementary roll for candidate’s campaign team. |
c. |
All voters must be allowed the opportunity to attend at the polling station at any time during the prescribed period of polling. |
d. |
The roll to be used must have information on all categories of voters (ordinary, advance, postal and overseas) so that voters do not abuse the polling system by casting their vote under more than 1 category). This serves as an additional safeguard to the indelible ink. |
e. |
The electoral roll should also be furnished to election candidates as early as possible as the rolls would have already been gazetted much earlier. |
f. |
Advance voters roll, overseas postal voters roll and postal voters roll. |
g. |
Election candidates should have an opportunity to review the electoral rolls in advance of polling being conducted to determine whether there are any inconsistencies in the information reflected in the rolls (e.g., same name appearing on more than 1 list) |
R15. Admittance to polling station:
a. |
Delete last paragraph of R15 (1). |
R18. Ballot boxes:
a. |
Specify opaque walls to preserve secrecy and eliminate time taken to unfold ballot papers during counting as this results in additional time costs incurred by the EC on polling day. |
b. |
This proposal will result in significant cost-savings. |
c. |
Current practice of folding twice involves 150 million folding, which is 40,000 man-hours. |
d. |
Folding increases the workload without any benefit in maintenance of secrecy. |
e. |
Folding causes the ballot paper to bulk up, requiring a clerk to use a ruler to compress the ballot papers in the ballot boxes. |
f. |
That may entail an additional cost of up to RM 7 million. |
R18A Election Materials:
a. |
Check 1 day before advance polling and 1 day before polling day and simplified procedures on morning of polling. |
b. |
Issue Form 13A to candidate, election agent or polling agent. |
R19 Manner of voting:
a. |
Only MyKad, Military MyKad or Police MyKad to be accepted as proof of identity as these are the only documents accepted by EC when registering as a voter. |
b. |
The internal guidelines issued by the EC specify that other types of identification documents can be furnished and this should not be permitted as voters can abuse the identification process. |
c. |
The EC officers should not be burdened or distracted from their duties by spending time verifying alternative identification documents. |
d. |
Kad OKU for assisted voter shall also be accepted over and above the MyKad. |
e. |
The proposal for Kad OKU to be accepted is a request from OKU special interest groups to cater to voters who are handicapped, blind or otherwise incapacitated. |
f. |
Temporary ID from JPN: voter required to submit passport photo, detail procedures for checking for indelible ink under ample light, marking of ink after voting, immerse 1 min, expose 1 min for ink to take effect, randomization of pre-perforated/stamped ballot paper, assisted voter accompanied by a relative (to prevent abuse of the process). |
g. |
Postal voters in Malaysia are required to mark their left forefinger with indelible ink either at the Returning Officer’s office or at the polling centre where they are stationed, before 8am on polling day. |
h. |
Introduced 4th & 5th schedule for indelible ink. |
i. |
Procedure for ramdomisation of ballot papers introduced. This is a safeguard to support/enhance/preserve secrecy of votes. |
R19A Non-compliance with the manner of voting:
a. |
Voter who refuse to show left forefinger or left forefinger marked with indelible ink shall not be issued with a ballot paper. |
b. |
Voter whose left forefinger is unmarked but name crossed out, will not be issued with a ballot paper and the presiding officer shall fill up Form 10A explaining why (In the future, such a voter should be issued a challenged ballot kept in a separate envelope that can be considered for marginal wins and the voter cleared by an election judge). |
c. |
The EC officers should not be burdened or distracted from their duties by spending time verifying alternative identification documents. |
d. |
It is the onus on a voter to prove his identity, not the other way round. |
R20 Declaration by voter:
a. |
Voter with Temporary I/C from NRD is required to fill Form 11 and submit sufficient passport photos for the presiding officer and all candidate agents present. |
b. |
Identity of voter must be verifiable. |
c. |
All voters in Malaysia except for postal voters are required to have their thumb-print verified at the booth before entry to the polling centre. |
d. |
This is a procedural safeguard to prevent abuse. |
R23 Closing of poll:
a. |
Notice on doorway to advise that at time of poll closing, only voter who is issued a ballot paper will be allowed to complete his voting. |
R23A Place of counting of votes:
a. |
If EC relocate counting station out of the polling station, it is their responsibility to provide transport to the candidates or his agents. |
b. |
The ballot boxes must be continuously monitored by candidates or their agents at all times. |
c. |
Ten days notice of change shall be given to allow candidates and their agents sufficient time to make the necessary arrangements. |
d. |
The practicality of this aspect of the polling process is especially relevant/significant for polling stations located in Sabah and Sarawak or other rural areas. |
R24 Procedure on close of poll:
a. |
Refer to 7th Schedule, seal & sign ballot box seals, complete Form 13B with copies for candidate/agents, examine ballot paper counterfoil and electoral rolls of presiding officer, assistants and all polling agents, seal unused and spoilt ballots, presiding officer and his assistant’s electoral rolls in envelop and sign, procedure for relocating of counting station. |
R25 Counting of votes by presiding officer:
a. |
Remove authority of presiding officer to bar counting agent, election observers allowed, EC members not allowed to interfere in proceedings, procedures require validation of serial nos with Form 13B, perforation or ink stamp with Form 13A and ballot marking to follow 2nd Schedule exactly, mandatory to issue Form 14 to counting agents on pain of legal sanction (Proposal by EC to have unique stamps for all the polling stations is unnecessary. Also having half a stamp on the ballot paper and half on the counterfoil is not helpful for recognition of the stamp.) |
b. |
No recording of serial no. during counting as this will be in contravention of the secrecy provisions. Apply to all inside the polling station. Secrecy of votes must be preserved. |
c. |
Minimum discretionary powers for presiding officer. |
d. |
Envelopes identified to avoid confusion. |
e. |
4% rule for recount in the polling station deleted. Statistically meaningless. |
R25A Safe custody of election documents in accordance with the 7th Schedule:
a. |
Identify packets for election materials. |
b. |
Candidates, election agents, polling agent or counting agent can accompany presiding officer. |
R25B Postponement or adjournment of counting of votes:
a. |
Replace Form 13 with Forms 13A and 13B. |
R25C postal ballot papers to be packed and all packets labelled as per PV 2nd Schedule.:
R25CC Counting of votes of overseas postal voters at any Malaysian High Commission or embassy:
a. |
New procedure for counting. |
b. |
Counting at 9am local time on the day that coincides with polling day in Malaysia. |
c. |
Securing of election materials to follow PV 2nd Schedule. |
R25D Proceedings of returning officer after return of ballot boxes, and official addition of votes:
a. |
Amend to cater for overseas postal voting and advance voting, election observers, new reporting form for results, returning officer to provide tally of Forms 14, 15, 15A and 16, legal sanction against returning officer for non-compliance. |
R25E Disposal of ballot papers, etc:
a. |
Tighten procedures with all materials to be returned to the State Elections Officer as the returning officers are not government servants, with legal sanction against returning officer for non-compliance. |
b. |
All ballot papers, Forms and electoral rolls to be destroyed at the end of the holding period, with no discretionary power given to the EC not to do so. |
R26 Court order to copy or inspect election documents:
a. |
Delete reference to Third Schedule, election materials to be preserved pending resolution of election petition. |
R26A amend to state paragraph 4 of regulation 25E:
R27A. Persons required to vote as advance voter:
a. |
Amend list of people who qualify to exclude spouses of military or police, add EC staff, candidates, candidate agents, Sabahans, Sarawakians or P M’sians outside their respective State or territory (Sabah, Sarawak and P Msia are treated as separate territories for definition of advance voting), those who are liable for duty on both advance and normal polling day to be granted postal voting. |
b. |
Military and police personnel – for purpose of advance voting, they vote at their last civilian address. |
c. |
Spouse of military and police personnel should not have special privileges above normal voters. |
d. |
If they wish to vote in the constituency where the camp is located, they can change their MyKad address and voter address just like any other voter. |
R27AA Polling for Advance Voters:
a. |
Polling stations to be sited in publicly-accessible locations. |
b. |
If the EC insist on police or military camps, these should be made publicly accessible and should include civilian voters to mix up the voters in the polling centre. |
R27B – Counting for Advance Polling:
a. |
To be held in the Advance Polling Centre and counting to commence at 9am 1 day before polling day. |
b. |
Counting should take place at the same polling station and unnecessary shifting/transporting of ballot boxes before counting process should be avoided. |
R31. Punishment for making false declaration:
a. |
Correct printing error. Amend R19(10) to R19(11). |
First Schedule:
a. |
Form 1 to include overseas polling day. |
b. |
Form 2 to include overseas polling day. |
c. |
Form 2A to include overseas polling day. |
d. |
Form 3 (4) – amend evening to forenoon. deposit five thousand/two thousand. |
e. |
Form 8 – Situation of Polling Centre (Overseas Voting). 48 hours cooling off period. |
f. |
Form 10 – amend to cater for “assisted voter”. |
g. |
Form 10A – amend to exclude voters who refuse to show left forefinger, refuse to allow marking with indelible ink, finger unmarked by indelible ink but name marked. |
h. |
Form 13 – deleted. Replaced by Forms 13A and 13B. |
i. |
Form 14 – add subregulation 25(3) at row C. Mandatory for presiding officer to issue to all candidates. |
j. |
k. |
Form 15A Statement of the poll after counting the overseas postal ballot papers. |
Second Schedule – tighten procedures for voting, illustration of valid paper added:
Fourth Schedule – procurement of indelible ink – added:
Fifth Schedule – use of indelible ink to identify double-voting:
Sixth Schedule – proposed polling station layout to facilitate work of polling agent:
Seventh Schedule – Safe custody of election documents: