Projek BERES
Projek Membereskan Sistem Pilihanraya Malaysia
(Blueprint for Expedient Reforms of the Electoral System)
Vision: |
Malaysia – a nation believing in and subscribing to universal principles of human and citizen rights and democratic practises. |
Mission: |
To restore the credibility and integrity of the Malaysian Elections System in line with established principles and practises in other parts of the world. |
Methodology: |
To study the existing systems and make proposals for:-
- the restoration of critical provisions included in the original Federation of Malaya and Federation of Malaysia Constitutions that have been repealed;
- amendments to specific parts of the Federal and State Constitutions that have resulted in inconsistencies and iniquities in the electoral process;
- amendments to the enactments and regulations pertaining to the electoral process to accurately and consistently reflect the provisions in the Constitution;
- a Code of Conduct for the Caretaker Government as well as for electoral candidates to ensure that established principles are adhered to;
- a mechanism for effective and independent monitoring of the electoral process and for the handling of objections and/or irregularities;
- an independent body to be charged with the responsibility of defining reasonable and equitable constituency delimitations;
Composition: |
Projek BERES is undertaken by an international team of Malaysians resident in various parts of the world and having access to a variety of election systems related resources. |
Activities: |
In view of the constituency delimitation that is expected to be carried out before the end of 2013 by the Election Commission, this has defined the priority of activities undertaken by the BERES Team:
- Define guidelines for constituency delimitation, identify the related clauses in the Federal and State Constitutions and propose the necessary amendments.
- Address all other proposed amendments as identified in the MERP document and refine or improve them as necessary.
- Systematically address the proposed amendments in all related enactments and regulations to bring them in line with the revised Constitution.
- Review the proposed Code of Conduct for elections and expand it to include the activities of a Caretaker Government.
- Take up additional areas of interest that become relevant in executing the above.
Summary: |
BERES is a people driven initiative and all Malaysians are called upon to support and participate in Projek BERES to ensure that the people get a democratic system and process that fulfils their expectations. |