WE WANT YOU! Venting online like a teenage keyboard warrior will neither bring change to your life nor your country. If your conscience is telling you to do something, come to us, we need you to power change.
You can help Malaysia in this way:
1) Financially contribute to Tindak Malaysia’s activities of Electoral Observation, Electoral Studies and production of interactive maps for Malaysians.
We prefer that you support our work via the Sokong Platform: https://sokong.org/donate/choose/tindak-malaysia
Alternatively, Please express interest to contribute financially by informing us via at info@tindakmalaysia.com. Please use key words for references- Website or Map or Training or Event Fee
(Strictly no words such as Contribution and Donations for references)
2) Express Interest to be Electoral Observation (for by-elections, general elections). Please express interest via our Facebook (Send a message) or email at info@tindakmalaysia.com
3) To viral our Voter Education Infographics that we post on Facebook, Twitter and other social media channels
4) To subscribe or follow our social media channels – Facebook, X, Youtube